These 讲座 are sponsored by the 赫伯特P. Lefler基金.



Seeing Women in Politics: Visual and Material Representations of Women’s Political Participation in America 1776-1876

教授essor with long brown hair smiling while standing in front of a structure wearing a bright pink shirt
Dr. 卡桑德拉好

Dr. 卡桑德拉好 is a historian and writer who has taught at Marymount University, 乔治华盛顿大学, 和玛丽华盛顿大学. She received her PhD in history from the University of Pennsylvania. 她也有在博物馆工作的经验, 新媒体, and public history through her work at the Smithsonian Institution.

她的新书, First Family: George Washington’s Heirs and the Making of America, will be released on June 6, 2023 from Hanover Square Press (an imprint of Harper Collins) in 2023. The book tells the story of Washington’s step-grandchildren, 的养子, who achieved fame as the nation’s first “first family.” The Custis family story – long overlooked – parallels America’s story in its first century: military triumph and tragedy; democracy and old aristocratic ties; visions of liberty alongside the horrors of slavery. 作For一个新国家, America evolved from the heady idealism of the Revolution to the challenges of democratic governing, from tenuous steps towards ending slavery to the entrenchment of slave labor, from Washington’s isolationist Foreign policy to manifest destiny. By tracing the lives of a family who lived not just through but at the center of this evolution, we get both an intimate and sweeping view of a young nation’s growing pains.



Since Time Immemorial: Native Custom and Law in Colonial Mexico

教授essor Yanna Yannakakis in front of a bookshelf
Dr. Yanna Yannakakis

Indigenous peoples in colonial Mexico used Spanish imperial law to pursue their own ends, 这样做的时候, mobilized the past to make claims to resources and local autonomy. 基于“习俗”的土著法律主张,” a category whose roots can be traced to medieval Europe, and which refers to social practice that over time acquires the normative power of law, represented one of the most important means by which Native people engaged with Spanish law. The adaptation of custom to Spanish rule in Mexico pushes to the Fore questions of Indigenous cultural continuity and change under the exploitative conditions of colonialism. Although custom represented a Spanish imperial strategy For governing an ethnically and culturally diverse subject population, it also provided a terrain upon which Indigenous peoples could contend with historical change and generate new rights For the future.

Yanna Yannakakis is a 教授essor, Associate Department Chair, and Mentor Coordinator (Ph.D. 宾夕法尼亚大学,B.A. Dartmouth College) in the 历史 department at Emory College of Arts and Sciences. She studies the social and cultural history of colonial Latin America, 墨西哥历史, 人种历史学, 法律制度的历史, and the interaction of indigenous peoples and institutions in Mexico.



Born in Blood: The Battlegrounds of American Democracy

博士大头照. 斯科特广汽 smiling in front of a dark background and wearing a black shirt
Dr. 斯科特广汽

Guns at voting sites, Black voter suppression, and a fractured political landscape. While this may sound like a scene from the United States in 2024, this lecture returns to the beginnings of American democracy in the 1830s, 1840s, 和1850年代. As the economic barriers to voting dropped and Black men were increasingly denied the right to vote, White men transFormed democracy into a scary and violent place. 在这里, 醉酒, 争吵, 政治恐吓, 抠眼睛, 枪声, 刀斗常常是最重要的. 让我们返回, 哪怕只是片刻, 安德鲁·杰克逊的当选, 堪萨斯州的选票之争, and the important election campaigns of 1860. What we learn from these earlier moments can help us imagine a safer and fairer political process today.

斯科特广汽 is an author, historian, and teacher. At Trinity College in Connecticut, he is a 教授essor of 历史 and American Studies. As Director of Trinity undergraduate and graduate programs in American Studies from 2013-2023, 他监督课程设置, 讲座, 工作小组, and public outreach For one of the most distinguished liberal arts American Studies endeavors. He has published on American violence in Choice, Rethinking 历史, and Reviews in American 历史. His book Born in Blood: Violence and the Making of America (Cambridge University Press, 2024) is based on his popular lecture course of the same name. 他的第一本书, For自由歌唱(耶鲁出版社), 2007), details interracial social activism of the pre-Civil War era through the abolitionist musicians, 哈钦森家庭歌手. In spring 2015, the Rose Ensemble staged this book in a series of perFormances in St. 保罗,明尼苏达州. 教授essor Gac is a graduate of Columbia University, 茱莉亚音乐学院, 以及纽约市立大学的研究生中心.

问题? 联系 教授. 维多利亚莫尔斯历史系系主任

“历史, as nearly no one seems to know, is not merely something to be read. And it does not refer merely, or even principally, to the past. 正相反, the great Force of history comes from the fact that we carry it within us, are unconsciously controlled by it in many ways, and history is literally present in all that we do.”

— James Baldwin, “The White Man’s Guilt,” Ebony Magazine, August 1965